In 1984, one of the most iconic pictures in the world of sports was taken, and we wanted to create our version of the legendary sweaters Seve was wearing back then.
We simply call this sweater the 8424 Sweater. It respects the past and celebrates the future, with 1984 marking our legacy and 2024 representing our future.
Make your own special moments in this 8424 Sweater, crafted from the finest cotton (95%) with 5% cashmere added for that special SEVE feeling.
Available in five colors.

It’s possible!
The SEVE brand tells the story of Seve, dedicated to celebrating the legacy of the world's most creative, exciting, and unique player that the world of golf has ever seen. This game, once described by Seve himself as 'a great and very strang egame', was mastered by Seve, an artisan of golf, who did things with his hands and a club that no other player has dared to do before or since. Seve played the game with his own mind and is forever loved for it.